April 12, 2020

How to: Record and Transcribe Google Meet

Get a transcription from Google Meet using these simple steps
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
April 12, 2020

In real-time Scribbl records and transcribes your Google Meet. Follow the four steps below to get a transcript.

Step 1: Create a free Scribbl account

Free account.png

Step 2: Launch a Google Meet

start a google hangout .png

Step 3: Copy/Paste Google Meet call in details into Scribbl Home Screen

copy joining info.png
paste in scribbl.gif

Step 4: Click “Join Scribbl to Call”

new home screen.png

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How to: Record and Transcribe Google Meet

In real-time Scribbl records and transcribes your Google Meet. Follow the four steps below to get a transcript.

Step 1: Create a free Scribbl account

Free account.png

Step 2: Launch a Google Meet

start a google hangout .png

Step 3: Copy/Paste Google Meet call in details into Scribbl Home Screen

copy joining info.png
paste in scribbl.gif

Step 4: Click “Join Scribbl to Call”

new home screen.png

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